How can aging affect facial wrinkles?

During the natural process of aging, our skin becomes begins to experience a decrease in collagen and elastin reduction. As these essential proteins decline, the skin’s loses firmness and becomes more prone to wrinkles.

Cosmetic Enhancements > Anti-Aging Solutions

With age the forehead can

develop wrinkles.

With age, frown lines can

appear more prominent.

With age the nasolabial folds

can look deeper.

With age, crows feet can

appear more prominent.

With age, perioral lines

can become more prominent.

With age, chin drop

can be visible.

Wrinkle Hotspot

Wrinkle Prone Areas

Our advanced cosmetic techniques deliver superior results with treatments to assist with the following concerns:

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors

What contributes to skin aging?

Overtime, there are a range of factors that contribute to skin aging. Intrinsic factors are those that occur naturally within our bodies, i.e., the slowing of collagen and elastin production, reduced cell turnover and thinning of the epidermis. Extrinsic factors refer to environmental factors that can contribute to premature aging like prolonged UV exposure.

Intrinsic factors include:

Extrinsic factors include:

Wrinkles Explained

What are the different types of wrinkles?

Dynamic Wrinkles

Movement of facial muscles and changes in expressions (i.e., frown lines).

Static Wrinkles

Occur as the skin loses elasticity and collagen (i.e., nasalabial folds).

Gravitational Wrinkles

Gravitational pull contributes to skin to sagging (i.e. jowls).

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